UV Tracks web service provides access to reported states, missions, and on-board parameters stored in the vehicle’s shadow.


The following table provides a quick reference operations for the REST interface to the UV Tracks service. The description of each operation also includes the required HTTP method.

Action HTTP Method
GetState GET
GetTracks GET
GetMissions GET
GetParameters GET


Returns the last reported state of the vehicle in GeoJSON format.


GET /uvtracks/api/v3/state?sysid={SysId}

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
SysId Integer No System ID. The default value is 1.


GetState response body is a GeoJSON feature collection that contains single point feature with the last state report.



GET /uvtracks/api/v3/state


  "features" : [ {
    "geometry" : {
      "coordinates" : [ -123.4567, 89.01234, 489.0 ],
      "type" : "Point"
    "properties" : {
      "altitude" : 489.0,
      "throttle" : 0,
      "target_altitude" : 1.0,
      "battery_voltage" : 8.0,
      "target_distance" : 0.0,
      "autopilot" : 3,
      "latitude" : 89.01234,
      "wp_num" : 0,
      "roll" : 0.0,
      "channel" : 1,
      "failure_flags" : 3325,
      "groundspeed" : 0.0,
      "battery" : 98,
      "compid" : 1,
      "pitch" : -2.0,
      "mav_type" : 2,
      "timestamp" : 618415,
      "longitude" : -123.4567,
      "target_heading" : 0.0,
      "heading" : 278.0,
      "sysid" : 1,
      "airspeed_sp" : 0.0,
      "wind_heading" : 0.0,
      "msgid" : 235,
      "airspeed" : 0.0,
      "temperature_air" : 51.0,
      "custom_mode" : 81,
      "windspeed" : 0.0,
      "climb_rate" : 0.0,
      "time" : 1620965880129,
      "battery2_voltage" : 8.0
    "type" : "Feature"
  } ],
  "type" : "FeatureCollection"


Returns a sequence of reported states of the vehicle or the vehicle’s track line in GeoJSON format.


GET /uvtracks/api/v3/tracks?sysid={SysId}&geometryType={GeometryType}&startTime={StartTime}&endTime={EndTime}&top={Top}

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
SysId Integer No System ID. The default value is 1.
GeometryType ‘point’ or ‘line’ No Default value is ‘point’.
StartTime Integer No Start of time range query as UNIX epoch time.
EndTime Integer No End of time range query as UNIX epoch time.
Top Integer No Maximum number of returned entries. The default value is 100.


Depending on geometryType request parameter value the GetTracks response body contains GeoJSON FeatureCollection with either multiple point features or single line feature.



GET /uvtracks/api/v3/tracks?geometryType=line


  "features" : [ {
    "geometry" : {
      "coordinates" : [ [ -0.1460726, 0.0731741, 3.0 ], [ -0.1460927, 0.0731382, 3.0 ], [ -0.1460174, 0.073185, 2.0 ], [ -0.1460505, 0.0731599, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459696, 0.0732142, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459233, 0.0732356, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459405, 0.0732113, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459403, 0.0732076, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459539, 0.0731775, 2.0 ], [ -0.1459616, 0.0731438, 2.0 ] ],
      "type" : "LineString"
    "properties" : {
      "sysid" : 1,
      "length" : 42.65323908357078,
      "to_time" : 1582261894276,
      "from_time" : 1582261047402
    "type" : "Feature"
  } ],
  "type" : "FeatureCollection"


Returns mission items of the vehicle in GeoJSON format.


GET /uvtracks/api/v3/missions?sysid={SysId}&geometryType={GeometryType}

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
SysId Integer No System ID. The default value is 1.
GeometryType ‘point’ or ‘line’ No Default value is ‘point’.


Depending on geometryType request parameter value the GetMissions response body contains GeoJSON FeatureCollection with either multiple point features or single line feature.



GET /uvtracks/api/v3/missions


  "features" : [ {
    "geometry" : {
      "coordinates" : [ -0.14617156982422, 0.072689056396484, 469.0 ],
      "type" : "Point"
    "properties" : {
      "sysid" : 255,
      "msgid" : 39,
      "param3" : 0.0,
      "param4" : 0.0,
      "param1" : 0.0,
      "command" : 16,
      "param2" : 0.0,
      "autocontinue" : 1,
      "target_component" : 1,
      "current" : 1,
      "compid" : 0,
      "x" : 0.07269,
      "y" : -0.14617,
      "z" : 469.0,
      "target_system" : 1,
      "seq" : 0,
      "frame" : 0
    "type" : "Feature"
    "geometry" : {
      "coordinates" : [ -0.1454849243164, 0.0704460144043, 519.0 ],
      "type" : "Point"
    "properties" : {
      "sysid" : 255,
      "msgid" : 39,
      "param3" : 0.0,
      "param4" : "NaN",
      "param1" : 0.0,
      "command" : 16,
      "param2" : 0.0,
      "autocontinue" : 1,
      "target_component" : 1,
      "current" : 0,
      "compid" : 0,
      "x" : 0.070446,
      "y" : -0.145485,
      "z" : 50.0,
      "target_system" : 1,
      "seq" : 5,
      "frame" : 3
    "type" : "Feature"
  } ],
  "type" : "FeatureCollection"


Returns the last on-board parameters of the vehicle in JSON format.


GET /uvtracks/api/v3/parameters?sysid={SysId}

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Required Description
SysId Integer No System ID. The default value is 1.


GetState response body contains flat key-value map of on-board parameters in JSON format.



GET /uvtracks/api/v3/parameters


  "YAW2SRV_DAMP" : 0.0,
  "CRASH_DETECT" : 0.0,
  "SERVO3_TRIM" : 1100.0,
  "HOME_RESET_ALT" : 0.0,
  "ARSPD_PIN" : 15.0,
  "RTL_AUTOLAND" : 0.0

Data Types

State Report Message Properties

Field Data Type Description
airspeed_sp Float Airspeed setpoint (meters/seconds)
airspeed Float Airspeed (meters/seconds)
altitude Float Altitude above mean sea level (meters)
autopilot Integer Autopilot type/class (MAV_AUTOPILOT)
battery_voltage Float Battery 1 voltage (volts)
battery Integer Remaining battery (percentage)
battery2_voltage Float Battery 2 voltage (volts)
channel Integer Comm channel used
climb_rate Float Maximum climb rate magnitude since last message (meters/second)
compid Integer Component Id
custom_mode Integer A bitfield for use for autopilot-specific flags (2 byte version)
failure_flags Integer Bitmap of failure flags
groundspeed Float Ground speed (meters/seconds)
heading Float Heading (degrees)
latitude Float Latitude (decimal degrees)
longitude Float Longitude (decimal degrees)
mav_type Integer Type of the MAV (MAV_TYPE)
msgid Integer Message Id
pitch Float Pitch (degrees)
roll Float Roll (degrees)
sysid Integer System Id
target_altitude Float Altitude setpoint relative to the home position (meters)
target_distance Float Distance to target (meters)
target_heading Float Target heading (degrees)
temperature_air Float Air temperature from airspeed sensor (degrees)
throttle Integer Throttle (percentage)
time Integer UNIX Epoch time when the message was received
timestamp Integer Time since boot (milliseconds)
wind_heading Float Wind heading (degrees)
windspeed Float Windspeed (meters/second)
wp_num Integer Current waypoint number


When operations fail, UV Tracks service returns HTTP status code greater or equal to 400 and an errors response in the following format.

    "message":"Operation failed."